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Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research

Short Communication - (2022) Volume 8, Issue 5

Survey of Zoonotic Trematode Metacercariae in Fish from a Local Market
Woom Sohn*
Department of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, Gyeongsang National University, Korea
*Correspondence: Woom Sohn, Department of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, Gyeongsang National University, Korea, Email:

Received: May 03, 2022, Manuscript No. JAEFR-22-64593; Editor assigned: May 05, 2022, Pre QC No. JAEFR-22-64593 (PQ); Reviewed: May 19, 2022, QC No. JAEFR-22-64593 ; Revised: May 24, 2022, Manuscript No. JAEFR-22-64593 (R); Published: May 31, 2022, DOI: 10.3153/JAEFR.8.5.005

Citation: Woom Sohn. Survey of Zoonotic Trematode Metacercariae in Fish from a Local Market. J Aquacult Eng Fish Res 2022; 8(5)


An overview was performed to research the disease status of zoonotic helminth hatchlings in fish from a nearby market of North Dagon District in Yangon City, Myanmar. An aggregate of 486 fish in 13 species were gathered multiple times from December 2015 to December 2019. All fish were moved under ice to a research facility in Korea and analyzed for helminth hatchlings utilizing fake assimilation technique. Larval gnathostomes and metacercariae of in excess of 8 zoonotic trematode species, i.e., Opisthorchis viverrini, Haplorchis taichui, H. pumilio, H. yokogawai, Centrocestus spp., Stellantchasmus falcatus, Pygidiopsis cambodiensis, and Procerovum sp., were recognized. Larval gnathostomes were found in 58 out of 362 fish of 6 species, with mean force of 2.8 per fish tainted. Metacercariae of O. viverrini were recognized in 10 (2.9%) out of 349 fish of 5 species, with mean power of 16.9 per fish contaminated. Metacercarial prevalences of 4 gastrointestinal accidents, H. taichui, H. pumilio, H. yokogawai, and Centrocestus spp., were 12.5%, and 15.0% in the positive fish species, separately, and mean metacercarial power was per fish contaminated [1]. Metacercariae of S. falcatus and P. cambodiensis were identified exclusively from the mullet, Chelon macrolepis. Metacercariae of Procerovum sp. was found in Channa striata and Anabas testudineus. By and large, it was affirmed that the fish were tainted with gnathostome hatchlings and metacercariae of O. viverrini and digestive accidents in Yangon City, Myanmar. Fishborne zoonotic helminths (FZH), including Gnathostoma spp. also, trematodes, incite an amazing grimness in occupants of a few Asian nations, i.e., Lao PDR, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, the Philippines, Taiwan, China, and Korea [2]. This helminth bunch causes genuine financial harm in the business of fish hydroponics. FZH contaminations in people are predominantly confined in riverside regions, in which riparian occupants are powerless against be tainted by routine utilization of crude or potentially matured fish containing infective hatchlings. Particularly, the riverside regions in Mekong waterway bowl in Vietnam, Lao PDR, Cambodia, and Thailand are known to be profoundly endemic with FZH contaminations [3].

Epidemiological investigations on helminthic diseases have not been effectively acted in that frame of mind of the Union of Myanmar (Myanmar). Most examinations on the off chance that any were reviews on soil sent helminthiases. Anyway studied the contamination status of zoonotic trematode metacercariae (ZTM) in fish from a neighborhood market in Yangon, and they portrayed the morphological qualities of grown up accidents recuperated from trial creatures [4]. Then again, studies on larval gnathostome diseases in fish has were performed multiple times in Myanmar inspected 10 freshwater fish in 3 species,3 freshwater breams (Tilapia sp.), and 1 snakehead (Channa sp.), from Yangon, Myanmar analyzed absolute 15 snakeheads (Channa striata) from a rural area of Naypyidaw (the capital of Myanmar). Chai reviewed larval gnathostome contaminations in 37 Asian bog eels (Monopterus albus) bought from a neighborhood market in Yangon. These examinations were performed with restricted quantities of fish in restricted fish species, and additionally plausible fish hosts of Gnathostoma spp. In this manner, in the current review, we analyzed absolute 486 fish in 13 species to uncover the disease status of zoonotic helminth hatchlings (ZHL), including larval gnathostomes and ZTM, in Yangon, Myanmar.

We bought a sum of 486 fish of 13 species in a neighborhood market in North Dagon District, Yangon City, Myanmar, multiple times. All gathered fish were shipped with ice to the research center of Department of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, Gyeongsang National University College of Medicine, Jinju, Korea. The length and weight of fish were separately estimated and recognized the fish species with the guide of the Fish Base site. Individual fish was finely ground with a mortar and pestle, the ground fish meat was blended in with fake gastric juice and the combination was brooded at 36°C for around 2 hr. The processed material was separated through a 5×5 mm2 network, and washed with 0.85% saline until the supernatant turned out to be clear. The silt was painstakingly inspected under a stereomicroscope.

Larval gnathostomes and ZTM were independently gathered review from the general element, and were built up to get hold of the predominance (%) and power of disease (no. of hatchlings per fish tainted) by fish species.


More metacercariae of H. taichui were distinguished from 45 (16.8%) out of 268 fish in 7 species (53.9%), and their mean force was 63.3 per fish contaminated. The metacercariae of H. pumilio were seen as in 102 (26.0%) out of 393 fish in 10 species (76.9%), and their mean force was 26.8 per fish infecte. H. yokogawai metacercariae were distinguished in 13 (12.5%) out of 104 fish in 3 species (23.1%), and their mean force was 86.2 per fish tainted. Centrocestus spp. metacercariae were seen as in 54 (15.0%) out of 359 fish in 6 species (46.2%), and their mean force was 8.7 per fish tainted. The presence of these ZHL in fish has been at that point announced in Myanmar. Notwithstanding, enormous scope studies with heaps of fish tests had not been acted in Myanmar. In this way, by the current review, it has been reconfirmed that in excess of 9 etiologic specialists of fishborne zoonotic helminthiases are conveyed in Yangon, Myanmar. Their disease status, i.e., commonness and force of contamination, was explained in the part of host parasite relationship. In the current review, H. taichui metacercariae were distinguished from 45 (16.8%) out of 268 fish in 7 (53.8%) species, i.e., C. lucius, C. striata, T. thynnoides, C. cirrhosis, H. lagleri, C. idella, and unknown Puntioplites sp., and their mean force were 63.3 per fish tainted. The predominance was lower than that (42.3%) of Chai, however the power of disease was pretty much higher than that (42.9) of a past report acted in Yangon, Myanmar.



Conflict of Interest

The author declares there is no conflict of interest in publishing this article.
