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Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research

Commentary - (2024) Volume 10, Issue 2

Species specific affectability of oceanic macrophytes towards two herbicide
Dorian Williams*
Department of Geomatics, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa
*Correspondence: Dorian Williams, Department of Geomatics, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa, Email:

Received: Jan 31, 2024, Manuscript No. JAEFR-24-128471; Editor assigned: Feb 02, 2024, Pre QC No. JAEFR-24-128471 (PQ); Reviewed: Feb 16, 2024, QC No. JAEFR-24-128471; Revised: Feb 21, 2024, Manuscript No. JAEFR-24-128471 (R); Published: Feb 28, 2024, DOI: 10.3153/JAEFR.10.02.13

Citation: Williams D. Species specific affectability of oceanic macrophytes towards two herbicide. J Aquacult Eng Fish Res. 2024; 10(2)


The Earth is often referred to as the "Blue Planet" due to its vast and interconnected water bodies, which cover about 71% of its surface. Within these aquatic realms lies a breathtaking diversity of species, each playing a crucial role in maintaining the balance of our planet's ecosystems. From the deepest trenches of the oceans to the serene freshwater lakes, aquatic species inhabit a wide range of environments, showcasing remarkable adaptations and contributing to the intricate web of life. The vast expanses of the world's oceans hold mysteries that continue to captivate scientists and explorers alike. The deep-sea environment, characterized by extreme pressure, low temperatures, and perpetual darkness, is home to some of the most enigmatic species on the planet. From the elusive giant squid to bioluminescent organisms that light up the abyss, the deep sea is a testament to life's ability to thrive in seemingly inhospitable conditions. Beneath the sunlit surface of tropical oceans, coral reefs flourish, forming vibrant ecosystems that rival the biodiversity of terrestrial rainforests. These delicate structures provide shelter and sustenance for an astonishing array of aquatic species, including the brilliantly coloured corals themselves, as well as a myriad of fish, crustaceans, and molluscs. Coral reefs play a vital role in maintaining marine biodiversity and contribute significantly to global fisheries. Freshwater ecosystems, including lakes, rivers, and wetlands, harbour a diverse range of species adapted to life in these dynamic environments. From the mighty Amazon River teeming with unique fish species to the serene beauty of Lake Baikal, the world's deepest freshwater lake, these habitats serve as critical biodiversity hotspots. However, these ecosystems face increasing threats from pollution, habitat loss, and climate change, highlighting the need for conservation efforts to protect their unique inhabitants. Amphibians, with their remarkable ability to inhabit both aquatic and terrestrial environments, represent a fascinating group of species. Frogs, salamanders, and newts undergo complex life cycles, starting as aquatic larvae before transforming into adults that may live in terrestrial habitats. Amphibians serve as indicators of environmental health, and their decline in recent years raises concerns about the state of global freshwater ecosystems. Certain aquatic species undertake incredible journeys that span vast distances, capturing the imagination of scientists and nature enthusiasts alike. The Pacific salmon, for instance, embark on a remarkable migration from freshwater rivers to the open ocean and back to their natal streams to spawn. This cycle not only influences the ecosystems they inhabit but also provides essential nutrients for surrounding wildlife, showcasing the interconnectedness of aquatic ecosystems. Sea turtles are iconic wanderers of the open seas, undertaking long-distance migrations across oceans to nest on specific beaches. These ancient mariners face numerous threats, including habitat destruction, pollution, and accidental capture in fishing gear. Conservation efforts aimed at protecting nesting sites and reducing human-induced threats are crucial for the survival of these majestic creatures. Despite their resilience, aquatic species face numerous threats from human activities. Overfishing, habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change pose significant challenges to the health and sustainability of aquatic ecosystems. The intricate tapestry of aquatic species weaves a story of resilience, adaptability, and interconnectedness.



Conflict Of Interest

The author declares there is no conflict of interest in publishing this article.