Commentary - (2022) Volume 8, Issue 7
Received: Jun 29, 2022, Manuscript No. JAEFR-22-70489; Editor assigned: Jul 01, 2022, Pre QC No. JAEFR-22-70489 (PQ); Reviewed: Jul 15, 2022, QC No. JAEFR-22-70489; Revised: Jul 20, 2022, Manuscript No. JAEFR-22-70489 (R); Published: Jul 27, 2022, DOI: 10.3153/JAEFR.22.8.003
Citation: Jennifer Carter. Experimental evaluation of a hydrography surface vehicle in four navigation modes. J Aquacult Eng Fish Res. 2022; 8(7).
Fishery resources are distributed along the ocean according to environmental conditions, salt, tidal currents, food availability, seafloor characteristics, and other factors that affect their abundance and distribution. These marine variables are also involved in conditions that affect breeding areas, spawning, growth and migration pathways. Fishing nations systematically relate such conditions to the various stages of growth of the stock in the introduction of administrative measures to improve the efforts and performance of the fishery and to ensure the conservation of these stocks. Therefore, it is absolutely clear that hydrographic knowledge of the marine environment is a basic tool for both those who work to capture fish stocks and those who are responsible for proper and efficient management. Their goal is sustainable use and preservation. Hydrographic survey is an area of ocean exploration that is fairly familiar to hydrographers and employs many of the technical tools that are routinely used in hydrographic activities. Therefore, seafloor surveys have proven to be really necessary for fishermen, especially when working in shallow waters and when fishing for demersal fish stocks. Some species of commercial interest are found in relation to certain seafloor characteristics, such as: B. The increasing complexity of oil pipelines and submarine structures poses a threat to fishing gear in some countries. Experts can play an important role in working with the fishing and oil industries to develop ways to protect both the interests and safety of all work-increasing industries. In some countries, through interesting and innovative partnerships between private consultants and waterway agencies, great efforts are being made to create distribution maps of marine resources and species using the same standards and techniques required for nautical charts. It is of utmost importance for the fishery to be able to rely on up-to-date information on the marine environment to determine favourable fishing conditions. This information can be in the form of sea surface temperature charts, heat, salinity, and other variables of the vertical structure of the water column. This information can be used to focus more on their fishing efforts and to make predictions about potential fishing areas. To obtain this valuable information, remote sensing, hydrographic survey (using a fishery depth sounder), disposable bat thermograph (XBT), Conductivity-Temperature Depth Sensor CTD, and commonly used in the hydrographic survey industry. Use any other method. It is important to recognize that today's fishing industry is technologically advanced. In addition to the remarkable improvement in navigation and fishing skills, the industry uses high resolution sonar, depth detectors, continuous temperature recorders, Inmarsat phones, highly innovative wireless devices, automated pilot and electronic navigation systems, GPS and more. It has been. Resources must be managed sustainably and not until they are extinct. Fisheries management, which is the responsibility of state authorities, must comply with national and international agreements and regulations, aiming for an appropriate and harmonious environment between fishing efforts and resource availability. They have a dual responsibility to conserve fish stocks and ensure that the fishery is profitable. This represents a very delicately balanced equation between the need for economic development and the need to ensure the future availability of these stocks. This is a very complex task, partly due to natural fluctuations in fish populations, of which the effects of phenomena such as El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and global variability cannot be ignored. These phenomena are being enthusiastically studied around the world. As a result, fish stocks fluctuate significantly over the long term, with some impact on regulator estimates. The second problem is the lack of knowledge to properly understand the behaviour of resources and correlate them with environmental volatility. The above leads to the need for long-term environmental research to provide the people who make fishery management decisions with the most relevant information for promulgating appropriate conservation measures. Hydrography also plays an important role in this task, contributing to a variety of long-term data that enable feed prediction models used by government agencies. In short, there are a wide range of potential users in the fishing industry where hydrographers can build interesting collaborations and relationships. However, these users demand high quality products that are very useful for the various purposes mentioned above. Hydrographers usually use the advanced and complex techniques required. You should be able to meet these requirements.
The author declares there is no conflict of interest in publishing this article.