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Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research

Commentary - (2023) Volume 9, Issue 2

Ecological value of mariculture shellfish resources in China: Assessment and management
Silva Larson*
Department of Technology and Engineering, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia
*Correspondence: Silva Larson, Department of Technology and Engineering, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia,

Received: Jan 31, 2023, Manuscript No. JAEFR-23-93764; Editor assigned: Feb 02, 2023, Pre QC No. JAEFR-23-93764 (PQ); Reviewed: Feb 16, 2023, QC No. JAEFR-23-93764; Revised: Feb 21, 2023, Manuscript No. JAEFR-23-93764 (R); Published: Feb 28, 2023, DOI: 10.3153/JAEFR.09.02.018

Citation: Silva Larson. Ecological value of mariculture shellfish resources in China: Assessment and management. J Aquacult Eng Fish Res. 2023; 9(02).


Marine aquaculture or ocean farming includes the cultivation of marine organisms for food and other animal products in closed sections of the open ocean, fish farms in coastal waters, or artificial tanks, ponds, or waterways filled with seawater. Examples of the latter include raising fins and crustaceans such as shrimp, and marine fish such as oysters and seaweed in saltwater ponds. Non-food products produced by marine aquaculture include Fish meal, nutritional agar, jewellery, and cosmetics. Marine aquaculture is a specialty of aquaculture that involves the cultivation of marine organisms for food and other products in open seas, closed waters, tanks, ponds, or waterways filled with seawater. Examples of the latter include raising fins and crustaceans such as shrimp, and marine fish such as oysters and seaweed in saltwater ponds. About 37% of the world's surface area is agricultural land, one-third of which is used for cultivation. And as the world population grows to 9.7 billion in 30 years, the land available for cultivation shrinks. Therefore, there is an urgent need to improve the efficiency of food production. Experts predict that by 2050 he will need to increase agricultural output by 50%. How to do this is a question facing agricultural scientists around the world. In this context, we need to keep an open mind and expand our thinking about what we eat. These are the champions contributing about 50% of all photosynthesis in the world. And many of them are edible, especially dark green, red, and brown ones. Marine aquaculture has grown rapidly over the past two decades due to new technologies, improved feed formulas, a better understanding of the biology of farmed species, and improved water quality in closed aquaculture systems, increased demand for seafood, site expansion, and government interest. The development of marine aquaculture needs to be supported by fundamental and applied research and development in key areas such as nutrition, genetics, systems management, product handling, and socioeconomics. One approach is a closed system that does not directly interact with the local environment. However, capital and operating costs are currently considerably higher than open cages, limiting their current role as hatcheries. World fish consumption has doubled since 1973, he said, and 90% of the increase is due to developing countries overfishing what was once a lush coast. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, such demand for wild-caught fish has "probably reached the maximum potential of wild-caught fish in the world's oceans." Overfishing also shifts food webs toward smaller organisms, reducing the food supply for large commercial food fish. Do less or do more. Therefore, the overpopulated terrestrial planet will soon take advantage of its underwater limits to feed its future population of nine billion people. With 70% of her earth covered in potential ocean croplands, future generations will wonder how their ancestors could feed her 6 billion people today with just 30%. You will wonder if as a source of animal protein, farmed fish are a godsend in a grain-limited world. The estimated amount of rice or wheat required to produce one tonne of product is much more economical for fish than for beef or pork and on par with chicken.



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