Associated Structures of Feeding in Near Threatened Murrel Rainbow Snakehead (Channa bleheri Vierke, 1991) | Abstract
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Associated Structures of Feeding in Near Threatened Murrel Rainbow Snakehead (Channa bleheri Vierke, 1991)


Nipen Nayak

Associated structure of C. bleheri like other species of Channa is also modified for carnivorous mode of feeding. Features like wide mouth opening of mouth, thick stomach, polyphyodont teeth directed backwards surrounded by papillated jaw, the upper jaw and lower jaw reflects their adaptability towards different live food. Lower jaw is not protrusible and larger as compared to upper jaw. The buccal cavity is capacious with presence of palatine, maxillary, pre-maxillary and vomerine in upper jaw and mandibular teeth in the lower jaw with the presence of gill rakers.

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