Efe ULUTURK, Bahar BAYHAN, Halit FILIZ, Deniz ACARLI and Erhan IRMAK
Both color and morphological abnormalities on two different flatfish species [Dicologlossa cuneata (Mo-reau, 1881) and Scophthalmus maeoticus (Pallas, 1814)] have been recorded from Turkish seas. Ab-normal flatfish species, Dicologlossa cuneata (Mo-reau, 1881), wedge sole, was sampled from two dif-ferent localities in Aegean sea. First wedge sole from Izmir bay (Aegean sea) had three different colour ab-normalities (ambicoloration; albinism and xanthochro-ism) on eyed and blind sides of their body. Other ab-normal wedge sole specimen from Ekincik cove (Ae-gean sea) had ambicoloration on blind side of the body. Second abnormal flatfish species Scophthalmus maeoticus (Pallas, 1814), Black sea turbot, was caught from the Black sea coast of Istanbul and the specimen had totally ambicolored (blind side of the body was colored as like as eyed side) and morphological ab-normalities (a fleshy piece-hook-above the head).